And so we depart for Koper, formerly the second city of the Free Territory of Trieste. If there's anything that Bike Smut was looking forward to in our European tour, it was getting lots of fancy stamps in our passports. So we are deeply saddened that the Free Territory of Trieste (1947-1954) never took flight as the independent post-WWII city-state that it was intended to be, and after several years of issuing postage stamps and fielding a national cycling team was subsumed by it's Italian and Yugoslav neighbours, leaving Koper now a well established part of Slovenia. Which leaves us only looking wistfully at the place in our passports where a Free Territory of Trieste stamp could have been.

The national cycling team of the Free Territory of Trieste in 1950
So this Tuesday, expect us to take matters into our own hands when we raise the flag of the Liberated Autonomous Free Territory of Porn in Rebellion at Koper's Bike Smut screening. If we are not given our free territory, we will make our own free territory. And so it will be:
Tuesday -- 7 June -- 21.00
at MKSMC Koper
(Youth, cultural, social and multimedia center)
Gregorčičeva street 4
Look! A map!

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