- MAY 1ST, 2010 Chicago
- Viaduct Theater
- 3111 N. Western Ave
- 11pm $7 21+
- 6pm BYO BBQ
- Castle Bikenstein
- 1551 West Chicago
- enter from alley
Bike Porn rides over the established genres of porn and takes it down — or maybe up — a couple gears. With some clips intended to get you tuned up for where the road takes you later that evening, other segments cruise through more complicated issues of sexuality, sport and lifestyle.Tanx! we think you are keen too!
Bushwick suits bike culture far better than its pitted streets and industrial traffic would suggest. At least, that is, the particular bike culture that concerns itself with tallbike jousts and carbon angst and calling itself “bike culture,” which springs up wherever there is a collective will to cobble together an old steel frame and stick a boombox on the back. We must bow to Portland, however, as the true capital of greasy chains, where the bicycle is elevated to a way of life, a tool of liberation, and an object of lust.
If we ever doubted that Portland cyclists are hardcore, they settled the issue last week with a wild Friday night of bike eroticism at House of Yes. Recognizing how humdrum bike carnivals, bike polo, and Critical Mass rides have become, the Bike Porn crew are reigniting baser passions around North America with their touring film festival and getting audiences to talk frankly about the sexual energy of human powered transport. The blending of sex-positive and bike-activist agendas is certainly attention grabbing, but the real surprise is just how turned on some people really are by their bikes.
The Chainbreakers is a New Haven collective made up of women, transgendered, and intersex cyclists actively building feminist bicycle culture in New Haven. The group gets together monthly to work on bikes and share skills, food, and time. Chainbreakers is based on the belief that working on your own form of transportation is empowering and fun, and it provides a positive alternative to male-dominated bike culture.
If there’s been any knock on the tour, it’s the lack of gender representation. “Where is the dick?” a fan posted on Bike Porn’s Web site. To which they responded, “To be clear, we love all our bold women, but it would be great to see more men inspired to create and share.” But then again, according to them, many women have come up and confessed their bike-triggered orgasms, “and it’s usually when the saddle is really uncomfortable.”True that, in fact a nice lady at a Brooklyn bar after a friendly game of polo was very forthcoming about her bike saddle.
"I never tell anyone this, but who are you gonna tell, but my old bike rubs me just so and good... and damn it just... it becomes too much. After an hour or so of riding im just too sore!"Well now! That was strangely graphic for someone we just met... but its very comforting to see that the ideas of sexual expression can flow when you are thinking of the freedom of riding under ones own power. One of our favorite bike pornographers, Nicky Robo has been very forthcoming about how saddles create a mystical trips to the store...